Manorbier Blog

Monday, March 20, 2006

An Offer They Can't Refuse?

This is Martin Davies' latest comment posted to this blog -
Sorry to disappoint - schmitblog has nothing to do with me. I am quite happy to be open with my comments and criticism - I have no reason to hid behind anonymity. I do however think it such a pity to have someone such as yourself who thinks they are a "political journalist" who likes to use the excuse of writing under a pseudonym in order to churn out this nonsense in the community. Oldgrumpy compared this cowardice to poison-pen letters - spot on.
I am sure you have many friends who would vote for you in the unlikely event that you stand for council....!?
With regard to your comment "he forgot that his blog name is a link to his blog" - that was a purposeful act. Nothing like getting exposure to my Blog than by getting it publicised through yours. People reading your blog will now read mine.
Thanks for the publicity. If your quest is for "trying to get at the truth" - you should widen your network. I have knowledge - which I can prove with documentary evidence (which I have lodged with my Lawyer) - that would make you cringe.Perhaps some of it could be useful to you. Personally, I don't believe that to be your aim at all - judging by some of the stuff I have read so far, you do not seem to be interested in fulfilling your own ambitions. We will see....

Sorry Clr Davies I didn't say I was a political journalist, you really should read posts more carefully before commenting.


Oh dear! I've inadvertently given Clr Davies a link to his blog. Well silly me! How could I have fallen into such an obvious trap! It seems I don't have a devious and cunning mind like Clr Davies.


As for giving publicity to his blog he is more than welcome and I would encourage my readers to look at it and make their own judgments.


As for your documentary evidence please lets have it out in the open - if you can prove it to be the truth I will be more that happy to publish it in my blog.


Two points which have emerged from this and previous comments from Martin Davies and schmitblog are that they claim I am talking nonsense or listening to the wrong people with the implication that I am writing lies and don't want to get at the truth.


Well here is a offer to Martin Davies and Malcolm Calver and anyone else who thinks they know the truth: Tell me which parts of my blog are untrue and provide me with your 'documentary evidence' and I will post it in this blog and if the evidence is irrefutable I will even post a full apology.


As a condition of this offer I would, of course, expect Clr Calver to come clean on the question - was he asked by PCNPA to comment on the MOD planning application in his role as County Councillor - or did he just write in with his comments as any member of the public has the right to? And in either case why did he think it wasn't necessary to consult the community he was elected to represent before writing? I'm sure our readers would also like to know why Clr Calver protested to the BBC about Chas Cochrane's campaign page against night firing. I would also expect Clr Davies to tell us the real reason behind his letter to the planning authority opposing a site visit.


A final thought about Clr Davies' alleged evidence, he doesn't say what the nature of this evidence is. If it is against a councillor or councillors regarding breaches of LGA codes, Clr Davies is under a duty to give the evidence to the Monitoring Officer or he himself will be in breach of the Code of Conduct. If it is evidence of a criminal nature then no doubt the police would have something to say about Clr Davies withholding evidence.


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