Manorbier Blog

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

And They Say a Leopard Can't Change His Spots

If you look at the Pembrokeshire County Council website and follow the links to your County Councillor's details you will find Clr L M Calver listed under "County Councillors - Independent Non Aligned"
All those electors who voted for Clr Calver in the last County Council Elections thinking they were voting for an "Independent" might be interested in this article from the today's Western Telegraph.
(From the Western Telegraph - 22 March 2006)

THE AGM of the Manorbier and District Conservative Association was held recently. After his election as president, Milton Bradley-Kidd took the chair for the election of officers and thanked everybody for their help throughout the year. The elections were as follows: chairman Clive Mathias, vice chairman Douglas Benham, secretary Jackie Barnett, treasurer Joan Beddoes, press officer Molly Bradley-Kidd, executive members Clive Mathias, Malcolm Calver and Vernon Evans, Constituency Women's Council Molly Baker. During the meeting, considerable disquiet was expressed over the sudden resignation of the candidate selected for the Welsh Assembly Election to be held next year, and that it was hoped that the matter would be fully investigated.
An aside to Old Grumpy - it seems you may be the only true Independent in County Hall after all!

Tony Wales answers Old Grumpy here


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