Manorbier Blog

Thursday, April 06, 2006

National Park Delays MOD Night Firing Decision

The National Park Planning Committee have delayed consideration of the MOD Night Firing Application until Wednesday 17th May.
The reason for the deferment given by the national park is that, despite requests by the park’s planning office, the MOD did not submit the recent sound-monitoring figures in time for appraisal by the authority’s sound consultant and inclusion in April’s meeting.
A spokesman for the National Park said that the MOD figures were received by the Park last Tuesday and passed on to their noise consultant. However, this means the planning officer will not have enough time to compile her report, which is sent out to the Development Management Committee before the meeting.
It is understood that the MoD's submission of the necessary information to the authority was delayed because their noise specialist was ill.
“The results of the noise monitoring is essential for the report which has to be written some time in advance of the actual Development Management Committee,” said a National Park spokesman.
“As the next Development Management Committee meeting takes place on April 19th there will be insufficient time in which to prepare the report to committee and the application will therefore be deferred.”


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