Manorbier Blog

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Weasel Words from Pembrokeshire County Council

Following my recent post under the title 'Bringing the Council into disrepute - again', when I reported on Cllr Calver's inappropriate actions in relation to pupils of Manorbier Primary School, I was pleased to see that the Western Telegraph printed a report in their 15th November issue confirming what I said in my post.
Its heartening that at least they had the backbone to print this story naming names, unlike the Tenby Observer which could only manage a tiny entry tucked away at the bottom of page 37 and didn't even have the guts to name Cllr Calver.  Its sad to see a once respected local newspaper reduced to little more that an advertising tabloid afraid of it's own shadow.
My main reason for coming back to this topic is the absolutely unbelievable response to this affair by Pembrokeshire County Council spokesman Len Mullins as reported by the Western Telegraph. When questioned on the matter Mr Mullins' feeble reply was "This is an internal matter for the school to deal with". 
Well, I'm sorry Mr Mullins you can't get PCC of the hook so easily!
I'm sure we would all like to know how Mr Mullins thinks PCC has no responsibility in this matter.  Since Cllr Calver is the Pembrokeshire County Council LEA appointee to the board of governors of Manorbier Primary School his actions bring PCC and the LEA into disrepute. 
They cannot sweep this matter under the carpet! 
They have a duty under the code of conduct to report this to the Ombudsman and should do so at once! 
They have the power to remove him as their representative on the board of governors and should do so at once!
The school and board of governors deserve the full support of the LEA, lets see them get it!
Perhaps the Western Telegraph would care to follow up on this point?
Over to you PCC, lets see some evidence of your backbone.  
By the way, don't try to pretend that you don't read the Manorbier Blogs, I know that they seep into the rarified atmosphere of County Hall by one route or the other.


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